Electronic Concepts & Engineering, Inc. not only provides a high quality electronic product design. We also have the experience in performing all of the tasks and additional services that are required for a successful electronic product development program.
Tasks such as:
- Reliability Analysis (Component Stress Level or Parts Count)
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Design for Assembly
- Maintainability
- Human Factors
- Built In Test Effectiveness Analysis
- Hazard/Safety Analysis
- Sneak Circuit Analysis
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Thermal Analysis
- Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)
- Program Management
- Technology Transfer
All of these services, and more, are performed by ECE.
Contact ECE at (419) 861-9000 x114 or ece_sales@eceinc.com to discuss how ECE may be able to assist in making your project a success.