ECE employs a model-based design process as a means to develop real-time control systems for automotive, aerospace, military, industrial, and commercial applications that include:
- Requirement capturing to create a specification for the controller functionality.
- Function modeling to translate the controller specification into a reference model that allows all the functional requirements to be captured at a high level of abstraction while hiding the specifics of the implementation.
- Perform control system design and development using the latest techniques.
- Simulation/verification utilizing model in the loop (MIL) simulation to verify proper operation of the reference model against a plant model. ECE has developed plant models from first order physical principles as well as empirical models using system identification techniques.
- Rapid prototyping to verify the reference model operation against actual system hardware.
- Automatic code generation to translate the reference model into C source code for both floating point and fixed point target environments.
- Integration/verification of automatically generated code into embedded systems.
Contact ECE at (419) 861-9000 x114 or ece_sales@eceinc.com to discuss how ECE may be able to assist with your control system design project.